Saturday 3 October 2009

Not everyone is happy

Apparently the pigs are a bit miffed about being blamed for the current pandemic...


  1. I've been feeling really down for the last couple of days but this actually made me smile and then laugh out loud. It's brilliant.

  2. That is sooo funny... Thanks for sharing

  3. I've been feeling really down for the last couple of days but this actually made me smile and then laugh out loud. It's brilliant because that is sooo funny... Thanks for sharing!

  4. Już dawno temu widziałam to nagranie, od tamtego czasu zawsze pozytywnie na mnie działa, poprawia mi humor. Prosta animacja a daje tyle radości. Zupełnie jak stronka z memesami

  5. Such are the charms of life. Maybe you better understand this so quickly. You will have less disappointments later. And this can result in a very nice way.

  6. Teraz to nagranie stało się znów popularne za sprawą strony Z jednej strony to dobrze, warto rozpowszechniać takie informacje. Im więcej odbiorców tym lepiej.

  7. You know I can't get this post out of my head. I never realised that not all anaesthetists liked ITU. Now I'm starting to realise that I might be a strange sort of person who could do ITU. I'm wondering if this means I should. I'm really struggling with it.

  8. Very nice movie that's great to watch and this child is so smart, these ads with children are cool, I like this fashion. In the network more and more such ads with children to attract viewers.

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